I did get Camryn's first day of preschool.
...and her second,
...and her third. :)
When I dropped her off on her first day, I almost cried!! It was kind of tricky. My eyes started to sting and get a little watery so I walked out before it turned into a full out cry. Camryn was brave and got her journal and sat down at the table to color. When I went to pick her up, her teacher asked if I leave her much. I told her, "No, no I don't. Which is why I almost cried this morning when I droppped her off." Well, Camryn had a little melt down during the pledge (she calls it the judge) and wanted her mom. But she calmed down after a bit and was okay for the rest of the day. She hasn't had a problem since. My only problem is that she thinks she needs to wear a dress to be beautiful. The kids at school won't think she's beautiful if she doesn't have a dress on. I don't know if we can keep this up. Notice the dance tutu with the leggings on the third day of school picture. We had to get creative because I needed to do laundry. I need to go through the bins downstairs and figure out what I might have in the dress department. One day we went over to my friends house, whose little boy is her "boyfriend" and she about had a melt down because I wouldn't let her change out of her clothes into a dress. She said Tage wouldn't think she was beautiful in her shirt and shorts. When we came home she did tell me that Tage didn't even care that she wasn't in a dress. :) She is funny.