Sunday, April 26, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I had to write this down somewhere because it's priceless.
Rylie is playing in my room right now. She's standing on our bed, playing with Garth's toy airplanes that are on top of the headboard. There matchbox ones. They're WWI or WWII style. Anyway, she's playing, I'm in there doing some ironing, and all of a sudden I here, "I saved Jesus!" me "You did?" her "What? He was about to fall. I did." Priceless. ( We have a picture of Jesus on our headboard because I'm not sure where to put it in the house.) So there you have it, my Rylie saved Jesus! I love her!


Hayley said...

oh how i love that girl. she's just priceless!

Alexis said...

Oh haha thats so cute and funny!

TheFirstWard said...

Way to go Rylie. Thanks for saving Jesus! I don't know what I would do without Him. We owe you one!