After the shower, I went to Jared and Liz's home to help do home made chocolates. HUM! It was great fun! Sorry if I embarrassed anyone. Sometimes things just come out. :) he he It was nice to visit though. Thanks every one! We made it home without a problem and just in time to see Santa at our ward party. P.S. Please save me one cherry chocolate, if possible. I'm begging.
Finally the tree. It is up and looks nice! I ended up putting all the lights on myself (I think the lights are the guys job), with a little help from Miss Rylie. But that's the way life goes sometimes. The girls, and myself, missed Garth, but I'm sure I can find something else for him to do. he he he. Anyway, here are the pictures.
This is the only one I was able to get with the 3 of them. Here is what the Monster was doing while I tried to get one more...
She is such a good fit thrower! So, here are the other two and the wonderful tree in all it's splendor!
I love my girls! Thanks for your help pretty girls! And thanks Grandpa Neil for picking it out, cutting it down, bringing it to our house and putting it up. You're the best.